At what age do babies sleep through the night?

À quel âge les bébés dorment-ils toute la nuit ?

Babies’ sleep is a major concern for new parents, as it impacts the well-being of the entire family. Many wonder at what age their little one will start sleeping through the night. Although every child is unique, the first peaceful nights are often reached quite late. Generally, most infants manage to sleep through the night around 4 to 6 months. However, this journey can vary greatly from one child to another, depending on several factors.

The different stages of infant sleep

At birth, a baby generally sleeps between 16 and 20 hours a day, divided into short cycles. During the first months, they do not differentiate between day and night. Frequent awakenings are largely related to their nutritional needs and development. Infants are physiologically unable to sleep through the night in one stretch.

Sleep at 2 months

By the age of 2 months, many babies still sleep in a fragmented manner. They are often awakened every 2 to 4 hours, especially if they are breastfed. Even though some bottle-fed babies may go up to 4 hours in a row without waking, this remains rare. To help a baby differentiate between day and night, stimulating their wake periods and spending time in daylight can be beneficial.

Sleep evolution between 3 and 6 months

Between 3 and 6 months, noticeable changes occur. Naps may stabilize, and many babies begin to spend more time sleeping at night, sometimes up to 6 hours in a row. At this age, establishing a bedtime ritual can help create a more regular sleep pattern.

Weight and development

An influential factor in babies’ sleep is often their weight. In general, a baby reaching a weight of around 5 kg is capable of storing the necessary energy reserves to space out their feedings. This thus encourages the emergence of longer nights.

Rituals and environment

Rituals and the environment

Establishing a calming routine can encourage peaceful bedtime. Initiatives like a relaxing bath, reading a story before sleep, or singing a soft melody can help set the stage for falling asleep. Creating a calm environment, with an ideal room temperature (around 19°C), is also crucial to promote restorative sleep.

Respecting each child’s individual rhythm

Each child has their own rhythm. Some may achieve full nights between 4 and 6 months, while others may require more time to adjust. Understanding this unique rhythm allows for a stress-free approach and gives the baby the time to make their own discoveries in learning to sleep.

Helping baby sleep through the night

Without a magic recipe, instilling trust and security encourages babies to sleep peacefully. Patience, gentleness, and a certain consistency in their schedule will be valuable allies. Parents should also keep in mind that learning to sleep happens gradually, and eventually, their child will find their own balance.

Raising a child is a journey filled with many questions, and sleep is no exception. Given the personal experiences of many parents, it is often highlighted that the quest for long nights is achieved by giving each child the time to thrive at their own pace. A personal memory related to this subject goes back to my evenings when my little one would finally fall asleep after a calming ritual. At six months, I marveled at seeing him sleep peacefully for nearly 6 hours in a row. These precious moments, although anticipated, are rewarding and mark a beautiful milestone in our parenting journey. It is natural to experience restless nights at certain times, but by respecting your baby’s rhythm and maintaining loving and reassuring gestures, those complete nights will become a reality. In the meantime, do not hesitate to turn to various resources to better navigate this delicate period. For more information on baby sleep, here are some useful links: Baby Sleep and At what age do babies sleep through the night.