Which sleeping position to favor during pregnancy: on the back or on the stomach?

Quelle position de sommeil privilégier pendant la grossesse : sur le dos ou sur le ventre ?

Pregnancy is a fabulous period, but it can also be filled with minor worries, particularly regarding the sleeping position. Many women wonder if they can sleep on their stomach or back without it harming their health or that of their baby. This article aims to untangle the truth from the myths regarding the best sleeping positions to adopt, while providing clear answers to these concerns.

Sleeping on your stomach: a real risk?

Many expectant mothers question the potential dangers of sleeping on their stomach. Very often, this worry stems from an irrational fear of crushing the baby. Rest assured, in the early months, as long as the belly is still small, this position generally carries no risk. The fetus is protected by the amniotic fluid and the uterus. However, as the months go by, this comfort is likely to turn into discomfort, causing the mother to feel abdominal pain or kicks from the little occupant who does not appreciate this situation.

The effects of sleeping on your back

The back position, although seemingly enjoyable, can prove problematic due to the pressure exerted by the weight of the uterus on the blood vessels. As you progress in your pregnancy, it is often advised to change position. Sleeping on your back during the second or third trimester can compromise blood circulation, leading to dizziness or other discomforts. Pregnant women are therefore generally encouraged to avoid this position.

The recommended sleeping position

The recommended sleeping position

Among the various options, sleeping on the left side proves to be the best solution for most pregnant women. This position promotes blood circulation and helps the kidneys effectively eliminate waste. Moreover, it allows for better placental circulation, which is beneficial for your little one. You can also use a pillow between your legs for added comfort and better body alignment.

Sleeping flat on your stomach: until when?

Pregnant women can continue to sleep on their stomach during the first months without risking disturbing their baby. However, most expectant mothers report that starting from the second trimester, as their belly becomes more prominent, this position becomes uncomfortable, and it is often necessary to seek alternative options. In this case, listening to your body and taking your sensations into account is essential.

On the other hand, there are solutions to maintain comfort, such as using nursing pillows. These provide support to your belly while allowing you to discover new sleeping positions, all while staying comfortable.

Good sleeping practices

It may be wise to alternate positions during the night. Switching between the left and right side will help prevent pain and optimize blood circulation. Some experts even suggest propping yourself slightly, which can offer a bit more comfort depending on how your pregnancy progresses. At every stage, be sure to adapt your habits so that each night is as restful as possible.

Through my own pregnancy experience, I discovered that sleeping was not just a matter of comfort. At first, I enjoyed sleeping on my stomach, feeling at ease. However, as my belly began to round, it quickly became impossible without experiencing discomfort. I then turned to the left side position, which became my favorite. The first nights were a bit tricky, but little by little, I adjusted my pillows to find the arrangement that suited me best. Every woman is different, but I sincerely believe that the important thing lies in listening to your body and its sensations. There is no true “right or wrong” when it comes to preferred positions. What works for one may not work for another. Motherhood is a unique journey for each woman, and it is essential to find the best way to sleep while preserving the well-being of yourself and your future baby.