Understanding the hormonal cycle in men

Comprendre le cycle hormonal chez les hommes

The hormonal cycle of men is not as simple as one might think. Contrary to the common belief that men are immune to hormonal fluctuations, they also experience variations. These fluctuations, although less noticeable than those of women, can have consequences on their mood, libido, and overall health. Let’s dive into this complex web of male hormones to better understand this phenomenon!

Hormonal fluctuations throughout the day

Testosterone, often associated with masculinity, plays a crucial role in men’s biology. Produced by the testes, this hormone influences several aspects of their physical and behavioral development. It all begins at puberty when testosterone causes:

  1. The development of the male reproductive system
  2. The tone of the voice which becomes deeper
  3. Muscle strengthening
  4. Bone growth
  5. The appearance of body hair
  6. The expression of libido
  7. Maturation of spermatozoa and fertility

The symptoms of testosterone deficiency

Testosterone also influences men’s physical and mental energy. In case of a deficiency, various symptoms may emerge:

  1. Chronic fatigue
  2. Decreased endurance
  3. Loss of muscle and strength
  4. Decreased libido
  5. Erectile dysfunction
  6. Mood swings
  7. Concentration difficulties
  8. Insomnia
  9. Weight gain
  10. Depression

Fluctuations over time

Upon waking, testosterone levels reach their maximum, which explains the morning erection that some dread. However, this concentration fluctuates throughout the day. At certain hours, it may be lower, leading to a more sullen mood, irritability, or even sexual troubles.

The seasons also influence testosterone levels. With the arrival of spring and summer, its level increases, giving men a boost in mood and libido. Conversely, autumn and winter can lead to a decrease in production, often indicative of seasonal depression.

Andropause: menopause for men

As they age, men experience a gradual decline in their testosterone levels. From around 35 years old, this drop becomes more pronounced. Even if many believe that men do not undergo an equivalent to menopause, andropause certainly exists.

The symptoms of andropause

When men reach their fifties, they may begin to experience various symptoms related to this hormonal cycle:

  1. Erectile dysfunction
  2. Decreased libido
  3. Osteoporosis (bone weakening)
  4. Hot flashes and night sweats
  5. Sleep disturbances
  6. Increased fatigue
  7. Loss of muscle mass
  8. Weight gain in fat mass
  9. Infertility due to poor quality sperm

It is possible to diagnose andropause through a hormonal test and, if necessary, treatments are available: injections, patches, or gels containing testosterone. Before any treatment, screening for prostate cancer is recommended.

To learn more about this rich and fascinating subject, you can consult these sources: Mademoiselle Culotte and Science & Vie.

Understanding the hormonal cycle in men turns out to be a much more complex task than one might imagine. Testosterone fluctuations throughout the day, as well as seasonal variations, have a significant impact on their daily lives. A long-time friend confided in me that, after spending a summer gaining a bit of weight, he realized his libido and energy were declining due to this less sunny season. Becoming aware of this slowly emerging andropause and the small energy dips that accompanied it, he decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle, incorporating some exercise and better nutrition. This highlights how important it is to be aware of the effects of hormones on our behavior and well-being. Far from being a taboo subject, discussions surrounding men’s health deserve encouragement to better live daily and enhance communication among men on important topics for their physical and mental health.