Ultimate guide to the contraceptive pill: everything you need to know

Guide ultime sur la pilule contraceptive : tout ce que vous devez savoir

Education about the birth control pill is essential for any woman wishing to make informed decisions regarding her reproductive health. This article examines the different types of pills, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as practical tips for optimal use. Whether you have questions about side effects or how to properly take your contraceptive, you will find everything you need here to navigate the world of oral contraception.

What is the birth control pill?

First introduced in the 1960s, the birth control pill is a very popular method of contraception and is considered one of the most effective. This oral contraceptive consists of synthetic hormones that influence the menstrual cycle to prevent ovulation and unwanted pregnancies.

With an effectiveness rate of nearly 99.7% when taken correctly, it is essential to adhere to schedules and not skip pills. Women must be aware that this contraceptive does not protect against STIs (sexually transmitted infections). The use of condoms remains the best protection against these infections.

The different types of birth control pills

Pills can be grouped into two main categories: combined pills and progestin-only pills.

The combined pills

The combined pills, also called estrogen-progestin pills, contain two hormones: estrogen and progestin. These pills are often prescribed because they are effective and offer several benefits, such as regulating periods and reducing menstrual pain.

However, they are not without risks, and some women need to avoid their use. Contraindications include cardiovascular problems, smoking in women over 35 years old, and a history of thrombosis. Combined pills come in different generations, each with specific characteristics.

The progestin-only pills

The progestin-only pills, on the other hand, use only one hormone: progestin. They are recommended when combined pills are not suitable. These contraceptives must be taken at the same time every day and must not be interrupted. Their effectiveness primarily comes from thickening cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to reach the egg.

How to properly take the pill?

How to properly take the pill?

Proper use of the birth control pill is crucial to ensure its effectiveness. Combined pill packs may contain 21 or 28 tablets. For those containing 21 tablets, a 7-day break is planned before starting a new pack. The 28-tablet combined pills allow for uninterrupted use.

The progestin-only pills, on the other hand, require strict adherence, with a maximum delay of no more than 3 hours. Regular intake helps avoid missed doses, thus maintaining optimal contraceptive protection.

What to do in case of a missed pill?

Missed pills can happen, even to the most organized among us. In case of missing a combined pill, it is advisable to consult the leaflet. For a delay of less than 12 hours, it is generally sufficient to take the missed tablet, but for a delay beyond that, additional precautions with contraceptive methods are necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of the pill

The pill has many advantages, including increased control over the menstrual cycle, reduction of menstrual pain, and even protection against certain types of cancer. However, it is not without disadvantages. Occasional missed doses are common, and some women may experience side effects such as nausea, mood changes, or headaches.

How to obtain the birth control pill?

How to obtain the birth control pill?

To start taking the birth control pill, a medical consultation is required. A doctor will check if any contraindications exist before prescribing the most suitable contraceptive. Young girls aged 15 to 18 can obtain the pill for free with a prescription, while some pills are reimbursed at 65% for adult women.

Pill: price and reimbursement

In general, the price of pills ranges from €3 to €10 per month depending on the type. Young users will benefit from increased financial accessibility, making contraception more affordable.

Taking the birth control pill is a personal choice that requires thought and appropriate information. By informing myself about it for my own health, I realized how essential these details were. Once, I forgot to take my pill and it put me in a real panic. I had to consult a professional to know how to manage the situation. It’s an experience that taught me the importance of regularity and good practices. As women, it is valuable to feel supported and informed in this process. Having access to clear and precise information is a fundamental step in taking care of our reproductive health and making informed choices regarding our bodies.