Distinction between contractions and fetal movements: practical guide for future moms

Distinction entre contractions et mouvements fœtaux : guide pratique pour les futures mamans

When you are expecting a little one, every sensation in your belly becomes a mystery to decipher. Expecting mothers often find themselves perplexed between the gentle movements of the baby and the famed contractions that signal childbirth. Knowing how to distinguish between these two experiences is essential for approaching pregnancy with peace of mind. In this article, let’s explore the specifics of these sensations, how to recognize them, and what they mean for the adventure of waiting for baby.

Understanding contractions

Contractions are movements of the uterus that prepare the body for childbirth. First, there are Braxton Hicks contractions, often called “false contractions.” They generally manifest from the fourth month and are irregular, not painful, and sporadic. You might feel them as a slight hardening of your belly, without any pain. These contractions do not change the cervix and are not a sign of imminent childbirth.

In contrast, labor contractions are characterized by a regular rhythm, increasing pain, and a palpable effect on the cervix. They herald the eagerly awaited moment when the baby will make its appearance. To recognize them, a practical tip is to time them: if their frequency increases and they become more intense, it’s time to head to the maternity ward.

The movements of the baby

Fetal movements, on the other hand, are an adorable dance that your little love performs in your belly. These movements are often felt as little kicks, rolls, or jabs, generally more localized at the bottom or top of the belly. Unlike contractions, baby movements are irregular and can be influenced by the mother’s activity. Basically, if you are active, baby wakes up and has its little party.

As labor approaches, these movements may decrease as baby feels cramped. Despite this, you should still feel occasional kicks, even if they are less frequent. Sometimes, these little movements can even be a bit painful, but this should not be confused with the pain of contractions.

When does baby move the most?

When does baby move the most?

Baby’s activity moments vary throughout pregnancy. Generally, you will start feeling baby move between the 16th and 20th week, and these movements will increase in frequency and strength until they peak in the third trimester. Remember, even something as unpredictable as when baby is having a rave can be affected by your diet or stress level. Baby knows how to make itself heard!

Signs to watch for

Is it wise to question the intensity of baby movements during pregnancy? Yes! If you notice a significant reduction in movements, it could be a sign that baby is going through a not-so-great moment. In this case, talk to your doctor. A simple tip: start counting the movements! At least 10 movements in two hours is a good indicator of well-being.

On the other hand, if you feel regular and painful contractions, it may be time to hit the road to the maternity ward. Minor irregularities are normal, but keep an eye open for significant warning signs.

The importance of distinguishing

For a serene pregnancy, knowing how to distinguish between contractions and baby movements is an essential skill. This will help you manage your fears and prepare calmly when the big day arrives. Listen to your body and learn to recognize what is typical or not. Remember often that if something worries you, it’s best to consult your healthcare professional for any questions.

To stay informed, several online resources, such as LPCR, Guigoz, or the CHUV website will offer you advice and reassure your curiosity.

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently, but becoming familiar with her own body and signals is a crucial step, both for the well-being of the mother and the baby. And don’t forget, there’s no such thing as a silly question, especially when it comes to the little ones in tummies!