At what point do we start to perceive the baby’s movements in the womb?

À quel moment commence-t-on à percevoir les mouvements de bébé dans le ventre ?

Feeling your baby move in your belly is a magical and unforgettable moment for all expectant mothers. But when exactly does one begin to enjoy this incredible experience? The first movements can be felt between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy, although each woman experiences this moment differently. This article will guide you through this adventure of fetal movements, explaining how the perception of baby movements evolves over the weeks and months.

The first movements of the baby

Pregnancy is a true whirlwind of emotions and sensations. From the eighth week, the embryo begins to make movements, but these remain unnoticed by mothers. Expectant mothers will only really feel their baby’s gentle kicks during the second trimester. Generally, it is from the 16th week that these movements become perceptible for the mother. However, women who have already had children tend to detect them earlier, as they recognize this familiar sensation.

Where and how to feel the movements?

The first sensations of movement can be described as little bubbles or flutters in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. At this stage, the baby is still quite small, which means these little vibrations can easily go unnoticed, especially for a first pregnancy. As the weeks go by and the baby grows, these movements will become more pronounced. You will then be able to feel real kicks that will occupy your entire belly. Some mothers even report seeing little waves on their skin during these movements.

When to worry?

When to worry?

If you haven’t started to feel your baby move yet, don’t panic! Every baby has its own rhythm, and the moment when movements become obvious can vary from one pregnancy to another. This does not mean that there is a problem. However, if you notice an unexpected decrease in movements starting from the 26th week, it is advisable to contact a healthcare professional. In many cases, a little boost like a glass of sweet juice or a moment of relaxation on the left side may be enough to stimulate that little dancer in your belly.

Memorable moments

Nothing can really compare to the moment when you feel your baby’s first movements. Whether it’s a gentle nudge or a stronger kick, each sensation creates a unique bond between the mother and her child. These moments are often accompanied by intense emotions, a mix of joy and wonder, reminding you that life is growing and developing within you.

Fetal movements can reveal a lot about the baby’s health and their perception is often one of the pivotal moments of pregnancy, a sign that everything is going as it should. Do not hesitate to seek support, as experiencing this adventure with others can only add to the magic of these precious moments.

To better prepare yourself for this beautiful experience, consult useful resources like this one or other articles regarding pregnancy tracking.